Meghan and Harry: Biographer Omid Scobie attacks Royal Family in promo for new book


Omid Scobie, the author of the controversial royal biography Finding Freedom, has launched a scathing attack on the Royal Family in promotional material for his new book, Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival.

In the promo, Scobie describes the Royal Family as being in "turmoil" and facing a "long-simmering crisis of confidence." He also claims that the family is "riddled with dysfunction" and that its "draconian practices" are threatening its very future.

Scobie's attack on the Royal Family is likely to come as no surprise to those who have read Finding Freedom. The book was released in 2020 and was critical of the Royal Family's treatment of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

In Endgame, Scobie promises to reveal even more explosive details about the Royal Family. He claims that he has "unique insight" and "deep access" to the family, and that his book will provide "exclusive revelations" about the "monarchy's fight for survival."

Scobie's attack on the Royal Family has been met with mixed reactions. Some royal commentators have defended the family, while others have said that Scobie's claims are credible.

Royal commentators defend the Royal Family

Some royal commentators have defended the Royal Family in the wake of Scobie's attack. One commentator, Richard Kay, wrote in the Daily Mail that Scobie was a "disgruntled former royal reporter" who was "out for revenge."

Another commentator, Ingrid Seward, wrote in the Mirror that Scobie was "a self-promoting author" who was "trying to sell books."

Royal commentators say Scobie's claims are credible

Other royal commentators have said that Scobie's claims about the Royal Family are credible. One commentator, Penny Junor, wrote in the Daily Mail that Scobie was "a well-respected journalist" who had "a proven track record."

Another commentator, Katie Nicholl, wrote in Vanity Fair that Scobie had "sources close to the Royal Family" and that his claims were "likely to be accurate."

What the Royal Family has said

The Royal Family has not commented on Scobie's attack. However, they have previously said that they do not engage with comments that are "false and defamatory."

What does Scobie's attack mean for the Royal Family?

Scobie's attack on the Royal Family is likely to damage the family's reputation. The family is already facing a number of challenges, including the ongoing scandal surrounding Prince Andrew and the departure of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Scobie's attack is also likely to fuel calls for reform of the Royal Family. Some people have argued that the family is outdated and that it needs to be modernized. Others have argued that the family is too expensive to maintain.


Omid Scobie's attack on the Royal Family is likely to have a significant impact on the family. The attack is likely to damage the family's reputation and fuel calls for reform.

It remains to be seen how the Royal Family will respond to Scobie's attack. However, it is clear that the family is facing a number of challenges, and that its future is uncertain.

What the attack means for Meghan and Harry

Scobie's attack on the Royal Family is likely to be seen as a vindication by Meghan and Harry. The couple have accused the family of racism and bullying, and Scobie's claims appear to support their allegations.

The attack is also likely to further estrange Meghan and Harry from the Royal Family. The couple have already distanced themselves from the family, and Scobie's attack is likely to make it even more difficult for them to reconcile.

What the attack means for the British public

Scobie's attack on the Royal Family is likely to divide the British public. Some people will support the attack, while others will defend the family.

The attack is also likely to increase public interest in the Royal Family. Scobie's book is likely to be a bestseller, and it is likely to generate a lot of media coverage.

It remains to be seen how the British public will react to Scobie's attack in the long term. However, it is clear that the attack is likely to have a significant impact on the Royal Family and on the British public.
